Monday, January 14, 2008

Just a reminder.

These are examples of proper serving sizes! =)
Careful you don't overeat!
That's where most of the calories take over!!!


Denise said...

Thanks for the reminder, I am always overeating! I love the healthy recipes website below too; I can't wait to really browse the website. I love when they give you tips of what to add instead of the fattening ingredients and the recipe still tastes great!

Carissa Poyfair said...

Sweet! I always need something like that, especially since the world now makes everything "super" size and expects that you eat it all in one sitting!

Kelli said...

I was just talking to Jeremiah about how it seems like a lot of celebrities talk about small portions when they talk about their diet. They eat 5 small meals a day and watch their portions, they never overeat. This is a great reminder of portion control!

Stina said...

Destiny--you are turning into the Family Favorite Conscience. I'm going to hear your voice in my head when I eat a bigger portion size, or when I eat a sugar Popsicle. And, I'm going to start hallucinating and seeing a girl in a fat suit and a bikini running around. :) Just kidding! I'm really glad to see this. I was actually looking through the food guide pyramid the other day. Later!

Kelli said...

I signed up for that website, my username is chubbybunnies (after my kids' addiction to marshmallows) so if you start one, add me to yours!