Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Notice something?

Hey ladies,

I was going through labeling our recipes that hadn't been labeled, when I found that there were a bunch of previous recipes that had already been published but were saved as drafts. I figured that someone went through and tagged them at some point, but you have to hit publish again. Otherwise, the labels won't be saved. So, now some of our older recipes are biggie. But, I thought I'd let ya know why your mailbox is now full.




Kelli said...

LOL I was wondering why so many posted in one day! Thanks for keeping our blog so nice and tidy, you're a rock star! Love you!

Denise said...

You’re the best Stina! It feels like we just got a ton of new posts. Makes me want to explore previous post and see what I have not made yet ;)

Kristi Adams said...

It is nice to have old posts brought back to the top. There are a lot of recipes I have forgotten about!