Thursday, May 24, 2007

BEST CHEESECAKE EVER!!! (And I should know!)

So I love cheesecake, even the Jello No Bake kind. But this cheesecake is the best I've ever had (even compared to cheesecake factory!) It isn't spongy or anything, and has a creamy thicker consistency. My old visiting teacher is a gourmet baker and she brought this to me right before we left on a road trip to Utah. It was so good that I knew if we left it that it might go bad while we were gone, so we packed it in a cooler and brought it to Utah with us (which also turned out to be a mistake because everyone ate it!!!). It isn't hard to make at all (even though it may sound hard) and is so worth it!


1 pkg Graham Crackers, Crushed
¼ Cup Sugar
¼ Cup Butter, Melted

Mix and press in bottom of 9 inch spring form pan (make sure it is a nice one, not a flimsy one, or the butter in the crust will melt out). Bake at 350 for 6 minutes.

4 Egg whites, Beaten Until Stiff
3 pkgs (8 oz) Cream Cheese, Softened
1 Cup Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla

Cream the sugar, cream cheese and vanilla together. Fold stiff egg whites into cream cheese mixture. Place on top of baked crust and return to oven for 25 minutes.

2 Cups Sour Cream
3 Tbsp Sugar
½ tsp Vanilla

Mix topping ingredients together and spread on baked cheese cake. Return to oven and bake an additional 5 minutes at 400. Cool completely before refrigeration.

Best if made the day before. (Carefully ream around the edge of cheeses cake with a sharp knife as soon as it comes out of the oven…this will help to keep it from cracking in the center).


Carissa Poyfair said...

Okay this sounds yummy and I am totally making it on Sunday (if I get to the store on time), but what does "ream around the cheesecake" mean? Is that a dumb question?

Stina said...

I will testify that this is the best cheesecake I've ever had. My favorite ever. If Celeste wasn't so cute, I would have eaten all of it by myself (and it was hers). Everyone loved it. Go for it!!!

Kelli said...

Not a dumb question, Carissa, I don't know what it is either. Isn't "ream" a term to measure paper?! I'll have to make it next time I have an opportunity to share, I don't dare have a whole cheesecake in my house for just me and Jage (hello, caramel apple cheesecake went straight to my hips!)

Celeste Pearson said...

Okay, it's not a dumb question because I had to ask the lady who gave me the recipe what it meant. All it means is to take a sharp knife and run it around the edge of the cheesecake and the pan, so it doesn't stick. DUH!

Carissa Poyfair said...

So why don't you just say "take a sharp knife and run it around the edge of the pan and cheesecake so it does not crack"? I think you are just trying to sound smart, Celester.

Kristi Adams said...

I can't wait to make this! If it's better than Cheesecake Factory, it has to be good!

Celeste Pearson said...

THanks, Carissa, but I just copied and pasted the recipe from Nancy Morelock. It's not my fault you need HELP!!!! Hahaha!

Stina said...

So, I made this for a double date with Kristi and her husband. First of all, it was very easy to make. Which is very exciting to me because it is just so delicious. From now on, anytime I am assigned a dessert, I will be making this.

Tips: The sour cream doesn't set up when you bake it. But, as Celeste said, knowing sour cream in the refrigerator, it will solidify again when cold.

And I only had a 10-inch pan and it worked great.

THANK YOU CELESTE. This will forever be one of my favorites!!!

Stina said...
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Stina said...

One more tip, when reaming around the cake (or however you say it)--don't go up and down. Just slide it around. Although, if you go up and down, it disturbs the cake and you can eat what you pull up with I did!!!