Monday, July 7, 2008

Deviled Eggs

Nothing yells summer to me like a barbecue or picnic. Really, why is food always the highlight of every season and event and holiday?! Anyway, I almost always bring deviled eggs to functions and have even made them just because I felt like them. Every time I make them they are gone within minutes and I usually end up doubling the batch! Anyway, here is the recipe. Feel free to half it if you are entertaining just yourselves or even double it for a big barbecue! I get lots of compliments, and these are so easy and simple.

Deviled Eggs

12 eggs, hard boiled
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp mustard (I always squeeze in a little more!)
2 tsp white vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Halve eggs lenghwise (obviously without the shells on!) and remove the yolks. In a bowl, mash the yolks with a fork. They won't be smooth. Add mayo, mustard and vinegar. Combine well. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stuff egg whites with yolk mixture (I put mine in a gallon size Ziploc and cut the tip off so I can just squeeze the mixture easily into the egg whites). Garnish with paprika.

Tip: I read in a Kraft magazine that a great way to boil eggs without getting that green ring on the inside is to put the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, cover the pot and then turn off the heat. Let stand covered for 15 minutes. Or you can do it your way :)


Kelli said...

Not only do I LOVE deviled eggs, but so does Hayden. I brought 24 to a church picnic and Hayden at 4 before everyone even arrived. I love this recipe, the vinegar gives it just enough of a bite without taking away from the classic deviled egg, although I only used 1 tsp, not 2.

Stina said...

I love love love deviled eggs. I will definitely be trying out this recipe. Thanks a ton!

Celeste Pearson said...

I was typing in a deviled eggs recipe in my cookbook the other night and I ran into Bryan saying "I want deviled eggs!". I am totally making these - for myself.

Denise said...

I have not had deviled eggs in so long. They really are the perfect event food. They are an inexpensive and easy crowd pleaser. I have never put vinegar in deviled eggs before. I will have to try this recipe.