Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sidewalk Paint

Yesterday, Jordyn's friend came over with some store bought sidewalk paint. My kids were just sitting watching her and I remembered this recipe from my Family Fun Magazine. I made it and it works amazing. The colors are really vibrant and it's much more fun than sidewalk chalk!

1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup water
food coloring

Mix up and let the kids paint away! (Don't forget paint brushes. The sponge ones are cheap and the right size.) And yes, the "paint" washes off the sidewalk with water. Although, I haven't tried to get it out of my kids clothes yet.


Kelli said...

Hey how fun! Our driveway extends into our backyard, I'll have to try it out when it is actually nice outside (wait, will that ever happen?!) and I can strip them down.

Carissa Poyfair said...

Olivia loves sidewalk chalk so this should be fun for her. And this time, if Jack eats it like he tries to eat the chalk, it won't be as gross!

Celeste Pearson said...

I totally saw this in the magazine but didn't even think about trying it out. Yeah for you for being brave! Now I can try it since you said it's so fun - we need more fun!

Denise said...

How fun. I can not wait to try this. I will be the mom of the neighborhood! Last year we filled a small plastic pool up with shaving cream (from the dollar store) and let the kids play and "swim". I love when the kids can play outside and make a mess on purpose :)