Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just a Suggestion...

Now you can totally disagree with me on this, but I think it would be really helpful if we posted pictures (or just a picture at least) of what we made. Like if I want to post my awesome recipe, I would take a picture or two of the end result so you all can see what it looks like. Aren't visuals more appealing than ingredient lists??? I think I would try more recipes if I could see what they actually look like. So anyway, just let me know if you think you want to do this. And don't think you have to post a picture for EVERY recipe, but try, because I think it would up the chances of it getting tried by anyone reading our recipe blog!


Janelle said...

I'm a friend of Carissa's from Cleveland. I subscribe to pretty much any and every food blog I come across, and I have to agree with this suggestion. Pictures enhance the desirability of a recipe so much.

There's a good food-photo-taking tutorial on this page for those that may not take pictures of food very often.

Celeste Pearson said...

Carissa's friends rock :) And I was going to point out (but forgot) that if you get your recipe from a website you can use the pictures from the website too - they don't have to be pictures of what you did.

Carissa Poyfair said...

I like this idea. I've actually taken pictures of what I've made before, I just never remember to post them. I usually use a stock photo from the website I get a recipe from. I would love to see what a recipe should look like. All the recipe blogs I've come across show pictures on most of their recipes too. Good idea Celeste!

Stina said...

I've never thought about other people besides us reading the blog. I wonder how many actually do! I'm game for this! Maybe it will inspire me to make my food look pretty...

Janelle said...

Stina, I just checked the stats on Google Reader for you. There are 10 subscribers to this blog through Google, me being one of them.

Stina said...

So, I've loved Celeste's idea of posting pictures of our recipes. I have another idea. What if, on our 5 year anniversary, we publish or recipe book?

If we do a blurb book (where I print my blog), we can include pictures. If we do it softbound and small, it could run around $30 or so.

If we use blurb and include pictures, we need pictures of past recipes. So, as you make recipes from the blog, take pictures and upload them. Hopefully if we do this over time, all our recipes will have pictures!

What do ya think?

Celeste Pearson said...

I think it's a great idea! As we make a dish from the blog, take a picture and add it if the recipe doesn't already have a picture! And I would totally buy the book ;)