Sunday, June 7, 2009

Eskimo Cookies

For our Beehive activity, we had an alphabet picnic where the girls were assigned a letter and had to bring something that started with that letter. We weren't thinking when we assigned one girl the letter P. She got creative and brought "poop". Only it tasted amazing. I thought they were like No Bakes, but they were so much better. They taste like cookie dough. She refuses to give out recipes (she's 13!) but she mentioned they were called Eskimo somethings. So, I looked them up on Allrecipes and gave them a try. They're very quick & easy. And, it's like eating cookie dough! I was surprised I've never had them before.

Eskimo Cookies

3/4 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
3 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 TBSP water
2 cups rolled outs (you can use less--depending on your taste)
1/3 cup confectioner's sugar for decoration

Soften butter & beat well. Add sugar & mix well. Add cocoa, vanilla & water. Then add oatmeal. Shape into 36 balls and roll in powdered sugar (I skipped this step). Keep in refrigerator.


Kelli said...

Seriously, did you have to post this?! Now I HAVE to make it and when I gain a gazillion pounds I'll just blame you :) Anything that tastes like cookie dough is so my thing!

Kristi Adams said...

I've had a bag of cookie dough in my fridge for like a week and I just keep picking at it when no one is looking! This sounds so goood!

Carissa Poyfair said...

The whole "poop" visual is a little weird... I'll have to keep telling myself "it's cookie dough, it's cookie dough!" I think it sounds yummy though!

Kristi Adams said...

I made these the other day after dinner and they were so so yummy! I added peanut butter (about 1/3 cup) and another cup of oats just because I am a peanut butter fanatic but they are yummy with out, too!