Monday, November 5, 2007


So, we're in the beginning of fudge season and I don't have a to-die-for fudge recipe even though it's my favorite. So, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me out. (Me = damsel in distress. You = knight in shining armor with buckets o' fudge.)


Kristi Adams said...

I know someone who has a great fudge recipe!! Unfortunately, I can't get that for you because I wasn't born with the right blood! I can get you the fudge,though (for a price, I'm sure!) but not the recipe!!

Stina said...

Okay, Kristi. Your life has a new purpose (in addition to obtaining eternal life). Your mission, is to get the Adams fudge recipe! You will watch as they add each ingredient and commit it to memory, while not being obvious. Do not disappoint me!